01:20:45 Monday, 17th February

Porto Weather

  • Torre dos Clérigos
  • Torre dos Clérigos Porto
  • Clrérigos Porto

The Torre dos Clérigos is yet another building designed by Nicolás Nasoni in the 18th century. The tower is the tallest structure in town. For spectacular views of the churches and streets below, climb the 240 steps to the top of this 76-meter bell tower and the city will be at your command: you can rule over the ant-like people below.

The Igreja dos Clérigos (Clérigos Church) is next to the tower. Nicolás Nasoni designed this Baroque church as well, which is rather drab and grey on the outside, but holds a beautiful oval nave in the interior. On Sunday mornings, there’s a Feira Dos Pássaros (bird market) in front of the National Museum Soares dos Reis (Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis), just adjacent the Igreja dos Clérigos. If you need to stock up on canaries, chickens or some geese, give this market a try.